March 2021

Last Updated on Sunday, 2 May 2021 11:36 Written by Paul Tassell Friday, 9 April 2021 06:31

Presidents comments.

Paul sends his apologies, due to a recent family loss, Paul is unable to write this months community update. Our thoughts are with Lorraine, Paul, and family, at this very sad time.

Complex news.
Covid 19 update,
All owners will have received a mail from Universal Properties confirming two cases of Covid 19 on the complex. All necessary precutions were taken as soon as we were notified. Notices were posted around the complex for the benefit of non owners…etc. The complex was completely disinfected by an outside contractor Guzman.
It is a legal requirement to wear a face mask at all times as soon as you leave your apartment, while on the complex and in all public areas. unfortunately there have been reports of a few people who are refusing to comply with this government directive.
Continue to be a problem on the Heights, we had two properties on “B” Block that were causing particular issues, with continuous barking dogs. I am glad to say the apartments have now changed hands and the new owners/tenants are Dog Free, which has reduced the problem. However the issues still exist on all other blocks, and is an ongoing battle.
As always if you rent your apartment out long term please add a ” no pets clause” in you rental contract, this wil make it far easier to deal with in the future.
Common areas,
There have been complaints about children using the common areas and walk ways as play areas, Football pitches…etc . These areas are not to be used for this purpose, as per the many signs around the complex stating this fact.
Brexit, UK residents,
Since the 1/1/21, the 90 day rule applied, this means anyone not registered as a Spanish Resident before that date can only remain here for max 90 days in any 180 day period. Since March 31st this has had a major impact on local bars and restaurants due to the reduced numbers of tourists in the local areas and across the Islands.
2021 AGM,

Due to the Covid rules currently in place, there will be no AGM again this year, Etelina ( Universal Properties) will send out the usual Financial Report for 2020/2021 for the complex to all owners via e-mail.
Our Security man is on the complex from 11pm every night till 7am in the morning, he is on hand to deal with any issues on the complex during these hours, outside noise problems, dogs barking, loud televisions, suspicious people on the complex …etc. He’s here to keep us and the complex safe, so if you have a problem please call the night time number 671 14 66 16


What’s going on around Los Cristianos this month,

Tenerife Events Update

One of the big attractions of Tenerife is the variety of fiestas, concerts, and sports attractions. As we emerge from the shadow of Covid, people are looking to reboot all our favourites, so here are just a few lined up so far.

The Auditorio Infanta Leonor is the concert and theatre venue that backs onto the Los Cristianos Cultural Centre. With 800 seats, a large stage, and low prices, they stage a wide variety of attractions, here are a few coming soon.


14 May. Bailame, Ballet inspired by a Leonard Cohen song. Starts 7.30 pm. Tickets 6 euros.

15 May. Tina Turner and George Michael tribute show. Starts 7.30 pm. Tickets 15 euros.

21 May.    Puppet show. Starts at 6 pm. Tickets 6 euros.

22 May. Tango Show. Starts 7.30 pm. Tickets 6 euros.

If you are already on The Heights, you can book tickets at the Cultural Centre from 10 am to 2 pm or 5 pm to 8 pm from Monday to Friday. If you want to book in advance of your next trip to Tenerife, you can find info and book at

Many thanks to Colin Kirby for the above info.

Thank you , Steve,

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